Jack Humphrey and Gina Gaudio-Graves discuss how learning to create a sustainable, reliable business online can be done in any niche!
Directions Universtiy has a very unique process that includes more interaction between instructors and participants. Learning includes both high level training on everything from website analytics, creating products, and getting clients. The real dfference, Jack and Gina share, stems from coming from a place of serving others.
If you’ve alwayts wanted to build a business by first crafting a wonderful life and helping others, and you want your customers to be highly engaged — both with you and with one another — so that they can get more meaning from what they purchase from you, then listen to this episode and apply all that you learn in your business!
Learning includes both high level training on everything from website analytics, creating products, and getting clients. The real dfference Jack and Gina share stems from coming from a place of serving others. Yes, you will learn about making money, creating a sustainable business you can discover a business model that is centered around crafting a wonderful life and helping others.
Each week, Jan Riley, Founder of “You Create You” hosts an intimate short with guests from Directions U. Listen to Ron Harvey disccuss how he helps businesess stay compliant and keep the environment clean. Ron is also a Directions University Bachelor’s Student and he shares what life (and business) have been like after finding DU!
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