Please join Smokey Whitewolf Steiner and Sue Graywolf Petruzzi as we explore and share way’s of honoring nature as you walk with her and why nature is so healing and so uplifting to the spirit. This weeks’ show on the Women’s Healing Hour, every chance you get you must get out in nature and connect with her. Since we are connected to everything we see around us how can we “not” connect with her and feel her healing energy. The tall ones (the trees), the rock people, plants, rivers, and creatures who walk among us in this world have a special connecting energy that we can tap into to help us walk and stay in balance. But in turn we need to honor them and thank them for these gifts they give to us. Smokey and Sue will share sacred ways of gifting and “giving back” to nature what is so available and so prevalent all around us. Giving thanks is powerfully uplifting to our spirit and a powerful way to honor Wakan Tanka – the Great Spirit. Join us! We will see you soon.
Ciracle Radio can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
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