Jay Gutierrez Native American Medicine Man, considered an expert in the field of “Natural Radiation Hormesis”(healing through low level, naturally occurring radiation fields found in certain stones). Jay and wife Faye run a wellness center in a ghost town in southeast Colorado. Jay and Faye have worked with clients, doctors, healers, and scientists, and now feel they have been led down a path which offers success in fighting serious degenerative diseases such as cancer with an ancient healing method. Night Hawk Minerals, their company, is the only U.S. Company to promote the use of natural radiation hormesis to help health challenged individuals.
Jeff Ferrannini is a host with Dreamvisions 7 Radio, and can be heard weekly on their live programs and in archives on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network website.
Just because something seems to “work” like radiation hormesis, or is “an ancient healing method,” does not mean it is harmless or that its “beneficial” results are not accomplished via a toxic effect which is exactly how this method “works” (discussed in The Mammogram Myth by Rolf Hefti – more at http://www.TheMammogramMyth.com). Numerous ancient methods are steeped in superstitions and other illogical beliefs instead of good science, hence many of them have been abandoned.