Balancing the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine

Rita Strough and Michael GrossBalancing the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine on Talk-N-Angels Radio Show.  Our topic for discussion is Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine and how they are beginning to converge and balance in anticipation of a much needed shift in energies to a more humane, compassionate and loving way of life.  Take a moment to consider that you contain aspects that are both male and female and that you are a small representation of the universe.  As we stand and walk and go about our day, there are massive forces, unseen to our eyes for now, that are causing us to feel pressure in our hearts and minds.  This pressure is causing some of us to feel confusion, sadness, anger, frustration and impatience at the seemingly slow pace of change.

Rita Strough and Michael Gross are hosts with Dreamvisions 7 Radio, and can be heard weekly on their live programs and in archives on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network website.

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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a conscious caring company, which regards ethics and honesty vital to conducting successful business. Our intention is in serving our listeners, radio hosts and advertisers so they may experience the pleasure and satisfaction of success and the good that is inherent in the universe.

The vision of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is to continue the expansion of our syndicated global network while offering inspiring messages, healing modalities and life transforming tools. As we journey forward we hold the space for all to experience the wonder of Life and the magnificence within us all.

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