In his recently released book, An Upraised Chalice, author Gene O’Neil recounts the inspiring story of a lifetime’s quest for the ancient wisdom while experiencing miraculous intercessions of the Great Ones along the way.
One of those intercessions was his dramatic near-death experience when Archangel Michael appeared in a sphere of Light, commanding him to prepare with a specific prayer / mantra just moments before the fatal car accident. Immediately after this accident, going up the tunnel of light to the other side, two Masters assisted with a specific action that allowed for the continuation of this lifetime.
Join us as Gene not only recounts his amazing near-death experience, but tells his story in its vast implications that contains a challenge to all who seek to know the truth—a story that helps answer our greatest question—why are we here?
Gene O’Neil, author of the award-winning book An Upraised Chalice, is a family man, he has long been a student and he is also a teacher, a builder, world traveler.
Carl and Nancy are hosts with Dreamvisions 7 Radio, and can be heard weekly on their live programs and in archives on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network website.
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