Brad Hines is the founder of the domain name brokerage as well as a social media consultant and part-time business writer who specializes in teaching people how to conduct business on the Internet. The Massachusetts native also is a lover of art, travel and his hobby,
In this day and age when Gen Y is synonymous with all things technology, it’s hard to believe there are young people advocating for a return to “simpler times.” Brad joins Keeping Up with Gen Y to discuss how young adults shouldn’t replace “old school” ways of interacting with others despite the conveniences of social media. He also offers tips for Gen Y to create their own personal plans to become more productive in their offline lives.
Great Podcast. I do agree that Gen Y shouldn’t be so quick to replace old school ways of communicating. They are pushing forward their own ways of communicating at a record pace. I recently wrote an article on Gen Y transforming the banking industry because they now have the buying power to do so. I think you are right, and that Gen Y will continue to have a great impact for change in our society, especially over the next decade.
Hi Benjamin,
Thank you for your thoughts on Gen Y and their impact on our society. And thank you, too, for the link to your article about Gen Y and banks. I think you raise some interesting points about how Gen Y want a more personal approach in all their dealings, and financial institutions are no exception.
If we unplug them they may have to communicate and spell correctly!!