Awaken Your Somatic Intelligence in this Interview with Dr. Risa Kaparo
As a young adult, Dr. Risa Kaparo successfully healed herself from a painful and life-threatening illness. The discoveries she made during her ordeal prompted her to create a methodology to transform pain, stress, trauma and aging into wellness, embodied mindfulness and vital longevity. She shares how you can do the same in this interview and in her recently published book, Awakening Somatic Intelligence: The Art & Practice of Embodied Mindfulness .
- We want to talk about living a longer, healthier life via Somatic Intelligence, but first can you briefly define what you mean by this term.
- 75 million baby boomers are facing aging bodies, beliefs, and habits. You claim your book, Awakening Somatic Intelligence tap the potential of the body-mind to create a healthy, vibrant, and graceful aging process free of pain, injury, suffering, and confusion. How?
- For our listeners who have 5-10 minutes a day to devote to practicing your system, what changes or results might they see?
- What can someone do to get started today?
As both a licensed psychotherapist and somatic therapist, Dr. Kaparo has offered her unique approach to self-healing to thousands of individuals around the world. This system involves simple practices that take only a few minutes a day, yet promote highly beneficial and lasting changes in the brain and the whole body, reorienting a person toward ever greater freedom, joy and aliveness. Feel better NOW when you listen in and check out Dr. Kaparo’s website,
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