United Nations REDD Initiative in Kenya Creates Jobs, Conserves Wildlife

Wildlife Works successfully creates jobs, builds education, saves forests, combats global warming while conserving wildlife in Kenya. Wildlife Works’ mission is to harness the power of the global consumer to create innovative and sustainable solutions for wildlife conservation. They call it Consumer Powered Conservation.

Using innovative market-based mechanisms to save wilderness and protect biodiversity rather than “fence and shoot” methods of wildlife conservation, WildlifeWorks is building jobs to discourage poaching as a means of family support in the 80,000-acre Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary, thereby protecting an entire wildlife corridor between Tsavo East and West National Parks. These innovative mechanisms include the building of an ecofactory where fashionable clothing is manufactured and sold online at WildlifeWorks, and, most importantly, also includes the sale of carbon credits to corporations.

Wildlife Works is a leading Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) project developer. Twenty percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions come from the deforestation of tropical rainforests, and the United Nations introduced the REDD initiative in 2008 to combat climate change. The “Kasigau Corridor REDD Project” in 2011 became the first REDD project in the World to achieve successful Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB) validation and verification.

Click here to get more resources and help wildlife conservation while building jobs, education, saving forests and combating global warming.

About Robin Eschler

Robin L. Eschler, the founder of Social Impact Marketing, started her career in developing foundational marketing strategies for companies of all sizes, from Fortune 500 to individual entrepreneurs and local businesses. She has developed and implemented international campaigns to launch high tech products and services and guided new business owners to successfully navigate the difficulties of growing a business.

Her life-long passion for helping others led her into nonprofit work for over a decade. Early on, she recognized the need for nonprofits to adapt to a rapidly changing world in which technology dominates and for-profit business practices are central to success. Her determination to help social causes in a sustainable way led to her creation of the Women's Radio show Socially Conscious Investing.

Impact investing in for-profits with a mission of social change such as the fight against extreme poverty is a blossoming business sector around the world. With the economic decline, it's clear that Wall Street requires change. Social impact investing addresses that need in a way that provides financial and social ROI.

As the Host of Socially Conscious Investing on WomensRadio, Robin's goal is to educate people about the growth of social impact investing and social venture. Interviews are conducted with socially conscious business experts including foundations and nonprofits, social venture investment firms, micro-loan organizations, investors, educators, authors and social entrepreneurs.

This show's mission is to help change the world through sustainable business practices that contribute to the economy, combat poverty, end hunger and provide better lives to all.

Twice, Robin has been recognized and received the highest honorary award that Rotary International gives, the Paul Harris Award, for service above self. Her community work has included developing local programs for disadvantaged populations such as foster children, troubled teens, and people with disabilities.

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  1. am agraduate from kenyatta university with bachelor in environmental planning and management interested in Reed project to enhance my skills and add experience