Intéressé par le succès international

[HTML1] Organisateur d’un événement TEDx et ayant visité plus de 35 pays, Hicham Amrani a vécu des changements extrêmes en changeant d’emploi dans chacun des 5 pays où il a vécu, il s’intéresse au succès, et vous?  Ayant vécu un drame familial en jeune âge, sa vie a été boulversée.  Il partage sa philosophie par rapport au pouvoir humain, à l’intuition, la réussite et le développement personnel.

Ayant travaillé mondialement pour des organisations, entre autres, comme Walt Disney World, Université d’État de Pennsylvanie, Visa Inc., Burson Marsteller, Gouvernement de Dubaï, Ministère Britannique des Affaires Étrangères, la Banque Canadienne Scotia et il a fondé Hicham Amrani International, une entreprise de coaching et de formation.  Reconnu l’un des 10 premiers orateurs publics du Canada par un bureau d’orateurs basé à Toronto. Avec des expériences  dans le divertissement, les relations publiques, le marketing, la finance, la politique étrangère, l’enseignement, il a pu amené l’événement « TEDx au Canada à Westmount : Propageons le succès » : & où Anthony Maddox, Emmy-Award Producteur d’Hollywood, Douglas Vermeeren, Shevaun Voisin, Mme Cora, Nadine Lajoie et bien d’autres étaient invités.



About Nadine Lajoie

Award-winning entrepreneur and "Success Acceleration Coach" for entrepreneurs, Nadine Lajoie is also an  international speaker and #1 best-selling author known as “The Motorcycle Racer who Sings like an Angel”. From suicidal to semi-retired at 36 years old from her financial business, Nadine will energize and "IN-Power" you with stories, tools and strategies to achieve high performance, ACCELERATE your success and put you on the fast track to realize your dreams with balance and passion…at 180 mph!

Nadine appeared in Forbes, USA Today, CBS Money Watch, ABC, spoke at TEDx and The California Women's Conference, among top speakers like Jamie Lee Curtis, Les Brown, Marianne Williamson, John Gray, Michael B. Beckwith, “IN-Powering” countless others worldwide with a completely UNIQUE NEW “twist” using motorcycle racing as a metaphor for life and business.  She provides a powerful and energetic message to embody success, adrenaline and power with softness, music, personal growth, as well as business/finance concepts with her tremendous experience.

Her presentations, workshops, coaching, training programs, radio show and upcoming reality TV show, allow people to participate in a very unique experience that carries a powerful, intense, diversified, dynamic and positively charged message.  Her music and motorcycle meditation help participants to open their hearts and go deep inside to touch the spirit that will change their lives and help them “RACE” towards their dreams!

In 2011, she became a #1 best-selling author (Amazon/Dreams) with her first published book Win the Race of Life…With Balance and Passion at 180 MPH!”  and was 4 times finalist for  book Awards in London and USA (Wild Card, Inspirational and Young Adults). She also co-authored with the world’s leading motivational speaker Les Brown, another best-selling book Fight For Your Dreams.

Nadine is also the Host of Win The Race of Life on WomensRadio.  Win The Race of Life features experts who overcome challenges to attain success personally, professionally and at different levels: personal, professional and spiritual.  Nadine uses motorcycle racing as a powerful metaphor to save lives with fun and passion and provide positive and uplifting inspiration worldwide.

Please leave your comments about the show, questions and testimonials in our voice mail at (512) 827 - 0505 ext 2793, or send an email at

Please visit regularly to know more about our next guests, or to become a guest, a sponsor or a participant to be coached on the show.   We are planning to broadcast new shows every 7th and 21st of the month in English, and one in FRENCH on the 14th.

Nous prévoyons diffuser une émission chaque 14e jour du mois en FRANÇAIS.  Soyez des nôtres!


  1. Yea, I’ve always been tbelirre with connection. But meeting supportive, like-minded people has been tremendously helpful. They [you] make me feel less crazy and alone, and more confident overall. Talking to strangers can be really tough! Especially if I’m looking to be neighborly friends.For me, I start small put aside my personal issues as much as I can, and focus on showing genuine interest. Usually people will just start opening up to me, and it flows from there. I’ve mostly reached out to people living in my building and the lady in the liquor store. I also hang out with people at the garden, but it’s much easier to connect there than in regular life’. I don’t know how to talk to people on buses, that’s for sure!Start small, maybe just a smile [like Andrea suggested below]. Get comfortable with that, and then move on from there, at your own pace.

    • Thank you Eman,
      Yes, who we are surrounded with is so important. So that is why I belong to many different groups to grow myself personally, spiritually and profesionally and that is also why I started to inspire people few years ago. Hope you can hang out with us on the cruise to Alaska in 2013 or my TV show or my workshop at the racetrack. Continue to put yourself out there. Thanks