Operational Excellence

[HTML1]Have you been questioning or wondering if operational excellence is a good idea for your mid-sized business? As a growth strategy, operational excellence can help you grow your business!  Kanchana Raman shares how her company’s decision to utilize operational excellence helped Avion Systems grow.  It is now a company of 850 diverse individuals from all over the world.  Avion Systems is currently serving a clients that include AT&T, SPRINT NEXTEL, Motorola, Ericsson, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel, Accenture, and UPS. During the interview with Aldonna, Ms. Raman also reveals how they embrace the constant changing system of telecom, technology, and convergence.

Kanchana Raman is the CEO of Avion Systems located outside Atlanta, Georgia.  Kanchana holds a MBA from Emory University, and she has continued her education focusing on executive management, attending programs at Tuck Business School, Dartmouth, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

About Aldonna Ambler

Aldonna R. Ambler, CMC, CSP has earned the right to be called The Growth Strategist™. She has won over two dozen national and statewide “entrepreneur of the year” awards for the resilient growth of her international businesses across four recessions. More importantly, her midsized B-to-B service, technology, and distribution clients get on…and then stay on…the published lists of the fastest growing privately held companies. Ambler hosts a weekly peer-to-peer-to-peer online radio program.

Aldonna is also the Host of The Growth Strategist™ Radio Show on WomensRadio. The Growth Strategist™ Radio Show is a peer-to-peer broadcast that features interviews with CEOs and Presidents of midsized companies (typically between $20-$200 million/year) sharing success tips about the growth strategy-of-the-week. This show will identify the strengths, strategies and challenges facing these CEO's on a daily basis.


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