Thom Kephart is the Community Outreach Manager for Amazon. He will be talking with us about the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest.
After working to refine customer experience for CreateSpace for over three years, Thom joined Amazon as the Community Outreach Manager responsible for independent publishing brand building and awareness expansion. He has been very involved in the developing rise of independent publishing throughout his career.
About Sarah Renée
Fifteen year old Sarah Renée is the author and illustrator of 3 books including The Tiger Princess, Dash and her latest book, Hunted Home.
Sarah Renée has loved writing from an early age. She has been writing short stories since the age of four and at the age of ten, she came up with the idea for The Tiger Princess, writing the novel when she was twelve. She is fascinated with wild animals and the wild world outside her home, and has an obvious great love of tigers.
Project Night Night and their efforts to put a new or slightly used children’s book in the hands of homeless children in shelters in the United States. Since 2005, they have hand-delivered more than 100,000 night night packages which include a stuffed animal, a blanket and a children’s book tucked inside a canvas night night bag. We encourage you to find out how you can donate to support their efforts today.
Read to Feed is a reading incentive service-learning program that offers global education opportunities and will foster in your children a love for reading, a passion to help others and a way to help create a better world.
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