The Courage to Step Up


LA Women’s Look into the Political World,


Diane Benson, Democratic Candidate for Congress – Alaska

A life-long Alaska resident, Diane Benson stepped into the political world after watching “her son and other soldiers struggle at Walter Reed in Washington D.C. She wanted to be a part of the group making the policies such as those who send our young people to Iraq. I want to ask some very hard questions before that happens again.

Stepping in 6 months before the election to oppose Don Young, the current Congressman from Alaska, who was not under investigation and had been in office, virtually unopposed, for 35 years to determination.

How did she garner 40% of the vote?

Grassroots effort, meeting with alot of people to talk of the issues that she cared about and the network happened. “If our young soldiers can survive the war, don’t we owe it to them to provide them with good and honest representation in Congress so we have represents who are strong enough to stand on the floor and ask the questions and demand answers?”


  • Ethics
  • Environment
  • Build dignified relationships in Congress
  • Build Alaska’s reputation as a front runner
  • Renewable energy
  • Protection of our rights
  • Give women a voice

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About Sharon Riegie Maynard

Sharon Riegie Maynard, a radical researcher whose questions lead her to a unique view on the world and the role and men and women can play. She has raised 9 children, works in the unseen realms to impact our physical world with the TAG Matrix system, loves nature, music, art and reading great mystery novels.

Sharon is also the Host of Weaving the World and founderf Weaving the World Media. Weaving the World  shifts its focus to A Mystic's View speaking the truth about our adventure, purpose, and mission. WTW has showcased women,  the Voices of the New World. Sleeping women have awakened and mountains are being moved to allow space for a new culture based on the values Mothers/Women hold sacred. Now, A Mystic's View will show the foundation that has been buried for too long. It is the story within which we will manifest the world as we had Divinely intended.